Friday, Sep 20, 2024

Alkaline Water and Acid-Related Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Alkaline water and reduced risk of acidrelated inflammatory bowel diseases

Drinking alkaline water doesn't do your body any harm. It may improve your circulation, allowing blood to move more easily to deliver oxygen and important nutrients to tissues.

But the human body wasn't designed to live in an alkaline state. Continual consumption of high-pH water can lead to hyperkalemia, a serious and potentially fatal condition.

How does alkaline water achieve this effect?

Drinking more alkaline water is supposed to help restore the body’s pH levels to a more healthy balance. It can also improve hydration, reduce acidity in the bloodstream, aid digestion and reduce the risks of heart disease and bone loss. These claims have led to the popularity of alkaline diets and a surge in sales of machines that make water more alkaline, such as ionizers. But are these benefits real or just marketing hype? We spoke to two dietitians for their take.

Typically, purified water has a neutral pH level around 7. But you can buy alkaline water that’s said to have a higher pH level, which usually ranges from eight to 10. It may be infused with minerals such as calcium, potassium and sodium or undergo a reverse-osmosis process before bottling. You can also find alkaline water that’s made naturally using electrolysis, which splits water into an acidic and an alkaline component, saving the alkaline part for drinking.

It’s thought that alkaline water can provide a host of health benefits, from improved skin to boosted energy. For example, a study of 100 people found that drinking alkaline water with a high pH level rehydrated them better after exercise-induced dehydration than bottled water with a normal pH. The alkaline water also helped improve blood flow and decreased whole-blood viscosity, which can help your muscles work more efficiently.

Other studies have found that high-pH water may be effective at treating acid reflux and improving gastrointestinal function. In one study, drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 helped to irreversibly inactivate pepsin, an enzyme that’s responsible for stomach inflammation and acid reflux disease. The alkaline water also helped neutralize the acid in the stomach and reduced the occurrence of reflux symptoms.

If you’re interested in trying alkaline water, check with your doctor first to make sure it won’t interfere with any current medications or conditions. It’s also a good idea to speak with your nephrologist, especially if you have kidney disease. Drinking too much alkaline water can throw your body’s pH out of balance, which can lead to serious health problems.

What are the potential benefits of drinking alkaline water?

Unlike regular bottled water, which has a neutral pH of 7, alkaline water is typically sold in bottles marked with a pH level higher than 7. These types of waters are made via an ionizer, which alters the chemical composition of drinking water to raise its pH level. The makers of these waters claim that they have a variety of health benefits, including improving digestion, slowing down the aging process and promoting bone health.

However, experts aren't convinced. The FDA has banned any claims of these purported benefits, due to lack of evidence.

Drinking alkaline water can cause a disruption of the body's natural acid-base balance, which can lead to nausea and other symptoms in some people. It may also interfere with nutrient absorption and could cause the body to expel more minerals than it takes in. Finally, consuming too much alkaline water may disrupt the stomach's ability to produce hydrochloric acid, which is vital for breaking down proteins and killing bacteria and viruses in the digestive tract.

The high pH of alkaline water may also interfere with the production of pepsin, a protein that helps break down food proteins in the stomach and is a primary cause of acid reflux in many people. This can lead to food and protein malabsorption in the gut and stomach, as well as bloating, gas and cramps in some individuals.

A 2012 study published in "Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology" found that drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 may help reduce acid reflux symptoms because it kills the pepsin that the stomach cells use to create hydrochloric acid to break down foods and proteins.

In the meantime, it's important to remember that drinking plenty of regular, plain filtered water is one of the best things you can do for your body. It keeps you hydrated and can help fight dehydration in hot weather or during exercise. If you want to try alkaline water, make sure it's been filtered, remineralized and is free of chemicals before adding it to your diet. And, as always, check with your health care practitioner before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

Can drinking alkaline water help lower my risk of acid-related inflammatory bowel diseases?

There’s no scientific evidence supporting the health claims about alkaline water made by its proponents. However, Levine says that drinking alkaline water in moderation is likely safe and won’t harm your body, particularly if it is made from natural sources such as mineral springs or is properly filtered and remineralized before consumption. However, he cautions that drinking artificially alkaline water may be dangerous because it could strip your body of essential minerals and possibly contain contaminants.

Alkaline water is usually filtered through an ionizer machine, which raises the pH level of regular tap water from a neutral 7 to 8, 9 or higher, and adds calcium, potassium, sodium and other trace minerals. The makers of these ionized waters claim that the process enhances its antioxidant properties and makes it less acidic, more beneficial to your health than regular water. They also tout a number of other health benefits, such as improving digestion, slowing aging and preventing bone loss.

Although there’s no research to support these claims, some people do seem to benefit from drinking high-pH water. A 2016 study found that drinking alkaline water lowered blood viscosity, which may help your body absorb and use nutrients more efficiently; and a 2021 study showed that drinking it helped improve bone density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.

But other experts disagree, saying there’s no evidence that the alkaline water is any better than regular water and that ionized water isn’t necessary for good health. A doctor who treats reflux patients, for example, says he tells his clients to stick with regular water because there is no data that shows that alkaline water reduces symptoms of the condition.

As for other health concerns, Czerwony says that the high pH of alkaline water can be harmful if you have certain medical conditions such as kidney or respiratory disease, because it can disrupt your body’s normal balance of acids and enzymes. He adds that the high acidity in alkaline water can also interfere with nutrient absorption and harm your mucosal lining. You can find alkaline water at some grocery stores and online, and you can also make it yourself by adding pH drops or baking soda to regular water.

What are the risks of drinking alkaline water?

The pH of stomach acid is typically 1.5 to 3.5, and the body relies on this low acidity to digest proteins, kill bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. But drinking alkaline water in large amounts can upset the digestive system and cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and stomach pain.

Drinking alkaline water can also alter the body’s natural pH balance, which could lead to kidney problems. If your kidneys cannot compensate for the excess alkaline in your blood, it can result in hyperkalemia, a potentially life-threatening condition. If you’re concerned about your kidney health, talk to your nephrologist before incorporating alkaline water into your diet.

In the short term, it’s unlikely that drinking alkaline water will cause any adverse effects. But in the long run, it may interfere with the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals and negatively impact your digestive system. For example, drinking excessive amounts of alkaline water can deplete your mineral and vitamin levels and increase your risk of kidney stones.

Additionally, drinking alkaline water can interact with some medications. This can have serious health consequences, especially if you take any prescribed or over-the-counter medication.

A few studies suggest that consuming alkaline water can help improve a person’s overall gastrointestinal health. One study found that drinking alkaline water with a pH of 8.8 stopped the enzyme in the stomach that causes acid reflux, or laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (GERD). This helped reduce the need for over-the-counter and prescription medications. Another study found that alkaline water reduced the acidity of stomach contents, which improved digestion and lowered the amount of time it took for food to move through the intestines.

In the long run, it’s important to remember that a healthy diet and regular exercise are the best way to maintain a balanced pH level and prevent diseases. While some research suggests that drinking alkaline water can lower a person’s risk of acid-related conditions such as GERD and osteoporosis, most experts do not recommend incorporating this type of drinking water into your daily routine. Instead, focus on consuming a well-rounded diet of whole foods, fruits, vegetables and protein, and limit your intake of processed and packaged foods.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the health benefits from Kangen Water?

Kangen Water can offer more than just quenching your thirst, even though bottled and tap water may contain contaminants such as lead, fluoride, and chlorine. Kangen Water provides many powerful health benefits, according to scientific evidence.

Kangen Water, alkaline-ionized water, is filtered through the revolutionary Enagic(r] Multi-Platinum system. It has seven stages of filtration. Advanced filters remove harmful substances while keeping essential minerals. This process produces safe, clean water suitable for drinking that has many antioxidant benefits.

Antioxidants can be molecules that protect cells from damage due to oxidative stress. While antioxidants are naturally found in high levels in healthy dietary sources such as fruits and vegetables, drinkers of Kangen Water also benefit from these properties when they consume it daily.

Kangen Water's alkalinity helps reduce stomach inflammation and promotes healthy digestion. Many studies also suggest that it may lower the risk of developing certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Kangen Water is also antiseptic. Kangen Water is able to kill most diseases-causing bacteria by being applied directly to the skin. This makes it useful for wound healing.

What happens when you begin drinking Kangen Water

Kangen Water is a powerful water source that will help you discover new possibilities. This type of water gives you essential minerals and antioxidants to help supercharge your system. Regularly sipping on Kangen Water can also help to detoxify your body and improve digestive function so that all the good stuff in your healthy diet can be absorbed much more easily.

Plus, you might notice an improvement in your energy levels too! The trendy alkaline water has an elevated pH value, so it won't cause severe acidity like regular tap water. Instead, it helps to balance out the body's PH level and creates a more favorable environment for cellular energy generation.

Kangen Water is a great way to get your body moving again.

What is the taste of Kangen Water?

Pure hydration can be enjoyed in a glass, but it's more than just a glass. It's like tasting the freshness and aroma of strawberries and the crispness of cucumber in one drink. That's Kangen Water.

Every refreshing taste will quench your thirst thanks to its balanced pH level and supercharged molecules, which stimulate natural energy within your body.

Kangen Water goes beyond being a pleasant drink. Kangen Water is a magical elixir that can help you restore your mind, body, spirit, regardless of where you live or with whom. Its subtle sweet flavor will make your taste buds want to savor every drop.

Kangen Water has been touted as a health breakthrough, with naturally occurring electrolytes that replenish cells' water and antioxidants that protect from environmental factors that can cause oxidation.

Kangen Water offers a wide range of delicious flavours that will delight your taste buds.

Can you drink Kangen Water every day?

Kangen Water is easy to drink daily and has proven health benefits. Scientifically-backed research suggests that Kangen Water provides your body with essential minerals and electrolytes, improving hydration and helping you maintain a healthy balance. The water's alkaline properties have been proven to be beneficial for healthy blood sugar levels and digestion.

It has also been observed that Kangen Water has antioxidant power, flushing out toxins while contributing essential nutrients to your system. Kangen Water's high pH helps to create an alkaline environment that protects cells from potential harmful radicals. This can help prevent diseases and oxidative stress.

Additionally, consuming Kangen Water may help reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body. This can promote overall health, well-being, and reduce inflammation in key areas like the joints.

For those reasons alone, drinking Kangen Water every day is a highly recommended step to improve health - even if for only short periods - for overall wellness support!

What do doctors have to say about Kangen Water

Medical professionals agree that Kangen Water is the perfect health drink due to its high alkalinity and antioxidant benefits. This water has been shown to increase energy, mental clarity, as well as overall well-being in studies.

Kangen Water is hydrating and has active hydrogen which helps to cleanse the body from unwanted toxins. Its powerful anti-aging effects are derived from its increased oxygenation levels, which repair damaged cells and provide more energy.

In addition to its incredible hydration capabilities, drinking Kangen Water can help reduce inflammation and improve digestion and natural immune system functioning for better overall health. Kangen Water, also known as "alkaline-ionized water", neutralizes acidity in the body. This creates a healthy pH balance that is essential for optimal well being.

Drs around the world remain united in one thing: Kangen Water is safe and effective way to increase antioxidants and provide essential minerals for detoxification. Kangen Water can be used to replace sugary drinks such as sodas and processed fruit juices. It promotes weight loss by decreasing fat storage and increasing muscle growth for desired physical results.

You should make it a part of your daily life, as this natural healing resource offers replenishing nutrients our bodies require--naturally improving our health!

Is alkaline water good for the kidneys?

An important part of a healthy lifestyle is to learn about the potential health benefits associated with alkaline waters. Many contradictory theories and viewpoints must be considered when it comes down to alkaline water's effects on kidney health.

If alkaline water benefits your kidneys, it is common to have questions about pH levels. Although alkaline water can provide additional hydration and in certain cases, it can also help to reduce acidity in the body, research on its effects on kidney health is still lacking.

Alkaline water may increase body hydration and decrease acid buildup. This could have beneficial effects for the kidney health. However more research is required to establish a direct connection between pH levels of alkaline and kidney disease.

At this time, the limited evidence regarding alkaline waters' influence on kidney health does not provide enough conclusive proof. The only reason to not use alkaline waters as a preventive for any illness or condition is to make treatment decisions. If you are interested in any claims related your health, it is important to seek professional medical advice from a physician.

Is Kangen Water better than regular water?

It can be overwhelming to examine the validity and legitimacy of water-related claims. It is clear that water is essential to our lives, but we all have heard of skewed stories about Kangen Water. So what's the truth?

The evidence is overwhelming in support of this conclusion. Kangen Water has superior antioxidant and alkaline properties that make it stand out from ordinary water. Kangen Waters have been proven to penetrate our bodies better through rigorous scientific research. Many studies also show that drinking ionized alkaline water can reduce free radicals in our bodies, which helps us maintain optimal health throughout the day.

Kangen Water has also been associated with numerous lifestyle benefits like improved digestion, enhanced hydration levels, balanced pH levels in the skin, and increased physical endurance during exercise. Superoxides can be incorporated into daily activities to maximize the benefits.

The bottom line is: when you drink Kangen Water, you'll enjoy more potential health benefits than traditional tap water or bottled water -from robust cellular hydration to increased metabolic function -- allowing you to look and feel your best for years to come.


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  • Those who consumed high-pH water had reduced viscosity by 6.3 percent compared to 3.36 percent with standard purified drinking water. (

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How To

Kangen Water for cooking or cleaning?

Surprisingly, Kangen Water can be used to clean and cook. Kangen Water is a great alternative to having two water sources in your home.

This wonder water is more than just ordinary tap water - it's been through an ionization process that makes it truly special. Its acidity levels are far lower than regular tap or bottled water, making it a safer option for activities like cooking or cleaning.

Kangen Water has the potential to help you reduce static electricity and limescale buildup around your home, as well as protect fabrics from fading over time due to their neutral pH level. It can be used with food-grade appliances, such as juicers, coffee makers and coffee machines for outstanding results.

What is Kangen Water's uniqueness? Its alkaline-rich, life-enhancing formula gives Kangen water amazing cleansing and restorative qualities. This makes Kangen Water a great natural cleaner and disinfectant for your home - with no harsh chemicals!

Find out more about Kangen Water - there are so many possibilities!


Alkaline Water and Acid-Related Inflammatory Bowel Diseases


Alkaline Water and Acid-Related Inflammatory Bowel Diseases


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Alkaline Water and Acid-Related Inflammatory Bowel Diseases


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