Saturday, Sep 21, 2024

Hydration and Heart Health - Supporting Cardiovascular Function

Hydration and Heart Health Supporting Cardiovascular Function

People's heart health can be affected in many ways, from daily habits and lifestyle choices to medical conditions like diabetes or pregnancy complications like preeclampsia. However, it may be easier than we think to decrease our risk of heart disease by making small lifestyle changes.

Hydration is essential for the body to function properly, including in cardiovascular systems. A recent study using data from 15,000 middle-aged adults found that inadequate water intake may increase the risk for heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy.

Promotes Cardiovascular Function

The human body is mostly made of water and our heart needs it to work properly. Keeping the body adequately hydrated allows the heart to easily pump blood throughout the system, which helps the rest of the organs and tissues. When dehydrated, the heart has to work harder and can cause stress on the cardiovascular system.

A recent study published in the European Heart Journal (link is external) found that adequate hydration may help prevent heart failure. The study analyzed data from 12,000 middle-aged adults over a 25-year period. The researchers found that those who consumed enough fluids exhibited lower serum sodium levels, which can be an indicator of future risk for heart failure.

While recommendations for daily fluid intake vary, it is recommended to consume beverages that are low in sugar and sodium. It is also recommended to monitor urine color as a gauge of fluid status. If the urine is dark in color, this can indicate that you are dehydrated and need to increase your fluid intake. A healthy level of hydration should leave the urine pale yellow in color. Talk with your doctor or a specialist about fluid goals for your specific health situation. For example, some medications can increase the rate at which the body loses fluids through urine so it is important to work with your healthcare team to find a goal that works for you.

Maintains Healthy Blood Pressure

While it is true that drinking water won't prevent or treat a heart attack in progress, proper hydration does help to lighten the load on the cardiovascular system. According to Edin Sehovic, founder of Evidence Nutrition, chronic dehydration thickens the blood, which puts unnecessary strain on the cardiovascular system and impedes heart function. This can ultimately lead to heart disease and long-term heart failure.

This is a serious concern, as heart failure affects 6.2 million Americans. It develops over time due to a buildup of plaque on the artery walls. This causes the heart to work overtime to pump blood, and over time this can cause damage. The best way to reduce the risk of heart-related issues is through a healthy diet and lifestyle. Besides controlling blood pressure, smoking cessation and weight maintenance, staying properly hydrated is also vital to cardiovascular health.

The recommended amount of water is eight glasses a day, but many people don't meet this mark. This is a shame, because it helps to carry oxygen to the cells, flush out bacteria, aid in digestion, prevent constipation and protect the body's organs. But, the biggest benefit is its ability to maintain healthy blood pressure for a strong and healthy heart. Those with high blood pressure can especially benefit from drinking enough water, as it may lower their blood pressure and even prevent the development of heart failure over time.

Reduces the Risk of Heart-Related Issues

It’s important to understand that our hearts need adequate hydration to perform properly. When we’re dehydrated, our heart has to work harder to pump blood and this can cause stress.

Drinking enough water throughout the day can help lower our risk of developing heart-related issues, such as heart failure, in later life. This is according to a recent study published in 2021 and shared by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The researchers analyzed information from more than 11,000 people ages 45 to 66 and followed them for 25 years. This enabled them to monitor sodium levels in their body, known as serum sodium, which can be a good indicator of hydration. When a person’s fluid intake drops, serum sodium concentration increases and this triggers processes that are known to lead to heart failure.

The researchers found that the people who drank the most water had lower serum sodium levels than those who didn’t. This meant that they had less of a chance of developing heart-related issues down the road, such as heart failure or heart attack. Similar to lowering salt intake, drinking enough water and staying hydrated are ways to support our hearts and may help reduce long-term risks for heart disease, according to the study’s lead author, Natalia Dmitrieva, from the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine at NIH.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you drink Kangen Water every day?

Kangen Water can be taken daily for optimum health. Scientifically-backed research suggests that Kangen Water provides your body with essential minerals and electrolytes, improving hydration and helping you maintain a healthy balance. This water has been found to have special alkaline characteristics that support healthy blood sugar levels as well as digestion and metabolism.

Kangen Water is also known to have antioxidant power. It flushes out toxins and provides essential nutrients. The high pH of Kangen Water creates an alkaline environment, which protects our cells against potential harmful radicals that could cause disease or oxidative stress.

Additionally, consuming Kangen Water may help reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body. This can promote overall health, well-being, and reduce inflammation in key areas like the joints.

Kangen Water daily is highly recommended to support overall health and wellness.

Can individuals with diabetes drink Kangen water?

Kangen water should not be consumed by individuals with diabetes. It is something that must be looked into. We need to consider the facts, the research and have honest conversations about what is safe for diabetes patients.

Kangen water cannot be considered a miracle treatment for diabetes. Scientific studies have not shown any health benefits. As with all people with diabetes, it is important to eat right and exercise in order to manage blood sugar levels and improve overall health.

Although it is not explicitly stated, drinking alkaline-ionized water may help to reduce acidity. This can improve overall well-being as well as maintain a healthy PH level.

Kangen Water, which contains trace minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium, has been further researched. This may be beneficial to those with diabetes. It is up to you, your doctor or a nutritionist who specializes in diabetes dietetics, to determine if a product meets your needs.

Bottom line: Do not place your trust in anything without being informed about the risks and benefits. For diabetics, it is vital to do their research before making any dietary decisions.

Can I have alkaline water before sleeping?

A faster sleep is always a desirable outcome. But a question lingers: Can drinking alkaline water before bed be beneficial?

The key is to understand the alkalinity, and what it can do for your sleep patterns. Alkaline water has higher pH than regular tap water and more negative ions. This water is rich in neutral ingredients that can help you feel less sluggish upon waking up.

Furthermore, alkaline water can be drank before you go to sleep. This helps balance your body’s acidity while improving your body’s hydration. This hydration maintains equilibrium in your body, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and not tired or groggy.

Drinking alkaline before bed could be a simple way to get high quality sleep. It is a combination of all the health benefits that come with good sleep hygiene and powerful restructuring capabilities that will help your cells recover after a night of restful sleep. This liquid therapy could help you achieve deeper and more restorative sleep each evening if used properly.


  • Removes up to 99.99% of Harmful Contaminants and Free Radicals (
  • Save 10% on 2 select item(s) Hydrogen Rich Water Machine (
  • Save 5% on 2 select item(s) Waterdrop Alkaline Water Filter Dispenser, Large 40-Cup, (
  • 10% coupon applied at checkout save 10% with coupon (
  • Those who consumed high-pH water had reduced viscosity by 6.3 percent compared to 3.36 percent with standard purified drinking water. (

External Links

How To

What are the benefits of drinking Kangen Water?

Water has many tangible, quantifiable and refreshing benefits. Kangen Water is a special kind of water that has been electrolyzed and restructured to improve how your body processes and utilizes it. Kangen Water, which has the incredible potential to satisfy all your hydration desires and also unlock the health advantages associated with proper water intake, is changing the way we think about what we can expect from the most important element of our diet: water.

Amazingly, Kangen Water has ions that have been created by electrolysis. This makes it much more hydrating and nourishing than traditional tap water or bottled water. These ions can alter cell pH levels and provide increased energy. This means that you will feel more energetic and can keep your body performing at its best.

Kangen Water, which is magically purified from environmental pollutants and unhealthy eating habits, can be used to help eliminate toxins built up in the body. Drinking regular quantities of this restructured drinking water can help protect your whole system from diseases-causing microbes like bacteria and fungi.

Extraordinary, Kangen Water helps improve digestion by breaking down food faster, increasing nutrient absorption, and combating acid reflux. You won't feel any strain on your organs from regularly drinking this particular water.

It promotes healthy skin because it regulates pH levels and even reduces oil production due to improper hydration. Finally, using Kangen Water has even been known to support better sleep due to its restorative effects on the mind and the body after long days of activity or stress.

Kangen Water is an innovative way to stay hydrated, healthy and happy. Kangen Water is a unique electrolyzed water that aids your body in all aspects of life. It uses water more efficiently and has many health benefits including improved energy levels, digestion, skin health, detoxification, skin health, better sleep, and better energy levels. Make it a regular part of you daily routine!


Hydration and Heart Health - Supporting Cardiovascular Function

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Hydration and Heart Health - Supporting Cardiovascular Function

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