Thursday, Oct 17, 2024

Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health

Hydration for Pregnancy Supporting Maternal Health

Hydration is especially important during pregnancy, when the average pregnant woman’s plasma volume increases by about 1250 ml or 42 ounces. Thirst is a good indicator that you need more fluids, but it’s also helpful to monitor your hydration by checking the color of your urine (it should be pale straw).

A dehydrated state causes many uncomfortable symptoms including dry mouth and eyes, swollen ankles or feet, headaches and dark yellow, painful urine. In severe cases, dehydration can lead to oligohydramnios, or decreased amniotic fluid, which can be dangerous for both mother and baby.

1. Supports Maternal Health

Drinking enough water throughout the day is a must for most adults, but it becomes even more important to stay properly hydrated when pregnant. Typically, moms-to-be should aim for eight to 12 cups (64 to 96 oz) of fluid per day during pregnancy.

Water plays an essential role in carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells, tissues, and organs of the pregnant mother. It also transports vital prenatal vitamins to the baby.

Moreover, as pregnancy progresses, a mother’s fluid requirements will increase to help with digestion and prevent constipation. This is why it’s a good idea to drink a glass of water upon waking. It kick-starts your metabolism and helps hydrate you for the day ahead. Plus, drinking water first thing in the morning can help to reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, a condition that may occur during pregnancy.3-4

2. Aids in Fetal Development

As a pregnant woman, you're already experiencing rapid changes that require a lot of energy and nutrients. Staying properly hydrated is one of the best things you can do to support these changes and set your baby up for success once they're born.

Dehydration directly affects fetal development, especially in the first trimester. Morning sickness can speed up the loss of water and electrolytes and if they're not replaced, the dehydration state can lead to issues like oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid), birth defects and low weight.

A simple way to check if you're drinking enough water is to monitor the color of your urine. A light or colorless urine indicates that you're well-hydrated. You can also try infusing your water with berries or lemon to help add some flavor and extra nutrients, too. If your urine is dark, this can be a sign that you need to drink more water. Drinking plenty of water can also help prevent common pregnancy discomforts like constipation, urinary tract infections and hemorrhoids.

3. Helps Prevent Common Pregnancy-Related Discomforts

Staying properly hydrated is critical for everyone, but especially during pregnancy. If you’re able to maintain a healthy fluid balance of eight to 12 cups of water per day, it helps control common pregnancy symptoms and prevents dehydration.

The body uses water to form amniotic fluid, add extra blood volume, build new tissue, carry nutrients to cells, help digestion, reduce indigestion, and flush out wastes and toxins. Staying well hydrated also prevents fatigue and headaches (dehydration symptoms), softens skin, helps ease constipation (and hemorrhoids), decreases swelling in feet or ankles, and decreases risk of urinary tract infections and preterm labor. During the third trimester, when the blood volume in the uterus is at its highest, staying hydrated can help prevent cramping that might be mistaken for early contractions. Drinking water in small sips throughout the day before you feel thirsty is the best way to keep up with your daily intake goals. For added flavor and hydration, try adding fruit, herbs, or ice.

4. Helps Prevent Dehydration

Staying properly hydrated helps prevent dehydration during pregnancy for a healthier and more comfortable pregnancy journey. Fluids are needed to form amniotic fluid, increase blood volume, help carry nutrients and aid digestion. In addition, it can help ease constipation and hemorrhoids, soften dry skin and reduce edema.

Dehydration in pregnant women is associated with low birth weight babies, increased likelihood of urinary tract infections and increased risk of preterm labor. Dehydration also increases a woman’s chances of experiencing severe morning sickness symptoms like hyperemesis gravidarum.

To avoid dehydration, listen to your body’s cues and drink fluids regularly, especially when exposed to extreme heat or during exercise. Try drinking iced water, tea, coffee and healthy fruits and vegetables that are high in water content. Water alone can get boring, though so try adding some flavor to your water with an infusion of berries or lemons. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine and alcohol, as they may pass through breast milk to baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much Kangen Water do I need to drink per day?

Are you looking for an easy way to upgrade your daily hydration and wellness habits? Kangen Water can be your doctor's best friend. Just one glass per person per day is all it takes! Kangen Water has essential vitamins that nourish the body, and Kangen Water provides electrolyte rich hydration that makes it feel like a treat.

You can stay healthy by including naturally alkaline Kangen Water as part of your daily routine. Enjoy 8 ounces daily to boost free-radical fighting antioxidants that support optimum functionality. It's easy to maintain your best self, from head to tail, with the trace amounts of ionized mineral calcium, magnesium and potassium already in the water.

Kangen Water is a good choice to maintain balance in your body and protect you from disease. It's gentle on digestion and absorption, so you don't have to worry about bloating or stomach pains after drinking it. Its pH-balancing properties will help you feel more energetic, focused, and rejuvenated over time. This will give you renewed mental clarity as well as physical well-being. You should give it a go. Plus, adding just one glass of this ultra-hydrating liquid into your day can go a long way toward meeting your recommended daily intake goals without breaking a sweat!

What does Kangen Water taste and smell like?

Pure hydration can be enjoyed in a glass, but it's more than just a glass. It's like tasting the freshness and aroma of strawberries and the crispness of cucumber in one drink. That's Kangen Water.

Each refreshing flavor will quench your thirst due to its balancedPH level and supercharged molecular molecules that stimulate your body's natural energy.

Kangen Water isn't just a pleasant beverage you'll drink because it's there. It is an elixir to help restore mind and body. Its subtle sweet flavor will make your taste buds want to savor every drop.

Kangen Water has been touted as a health breakthrough, with naturally occurring electrolytes that replenish cells' water and antioxidants that protect from environmental factors that can cause oxidation.

So we invite you to try something new and tantalizingly different - let your taste buds ignite with the full-flavoured palate reset filled with delicious possibilities only provided by Kangen Water.

Can you drink Kangen Water every day?

Kangen Water is a simple and effective way to enjoy optimal health. Scientifically-backed research suggests that Kangen Water provides your body with essential minerals and electrolytes, improving hydration and helping you maintain a healthy balance. Kangen Water's special alkaline qualities have been shown to support healthy blood sugar levels, digestion, metabolism, and other important functions.

It has also been observed that Kangen Water has antioxidant power, flushing out toxins while contributing essential nutrients to your system. Its pH is high, which creates an alkaline environment within the body that helps protect cells from potentially harmful radicals.

Kangen Water may be able to help lower chronic inflammation. This can promote overall health, well-being, and reduce inflammation in key areas like the joints.

Kangen Water drinking every day is a great way to improve your health, even if it's for a short time.

What happens when you begin drinking Kangen Water

Kangen Water can open up new worlds of possibilities when you learn about its power. This type of water gives you essential minerals and antioxidants to help supercharge your system. Regularly sipping on Kangen Water can also help to detoxify your body and improve digestive function so that all the good stuff in your healthy diet can be absorbed much more easily.

You may also experience an increase in energy. The trendy alkaline water has an elevated pH value, so it won't cause severe acidity like regular tap water. Instead, it helps to balance out the body's PH level and creates a more favorable environment for cellular energy generation.

Kangen Water is the ideal way to kickstart any healthy routine.


  • Those who consumed high-pH water had reduced viscosity by 6.3 percent compared to 3.36 percent with standard purified drinking water. (
  • Removes up to 99.99% of Harmful Contaminants and Free Radicals (
  • Save 10% on 2 select item(s) Essentia Bottled Water, 1 Liter, 12-Pack, Ionized Alkaline Water:99.9% Pure, Infused With Electrolytes, 9.5 pH (
  • Removes up to 99.99% of Harmful Contaminants and Free Radicals (
  • Save 10% on 2 select item(s) Hydrogen Rich Water Machine (

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How To

How do I use my Kangen Water machine

It's not as difficult as you might think to untangle the power and potential of Kangen Water. You must get familiar with the machine, understand its mechanics, and put it to use.

Kangen Water machines allow you to make unique alkaline water, with pH levels from 6.5 up to 11. The pH level is a measure of your body's ability to remove acid. This machine converts regular tap water into alkaline drinking water. It also adds minerals, electrolytes, antioxidants, and sterilizes the water at levels far beyond what is required by regulations.

Kangen Water is easy to prepare. Simply fill your tank with tapwater and adjust the pH level. Once you press start, a glass of pure alkaline goodness will be created. You can adjust the flow rate and temperature to achieve the desired amount. Once it is ready, you can enjoy a revitalizing beverage that increases oxygen intake for natural energy boosts throughout each day.

Kangen machines are made to simplify everyone's lives, even those who don’t consider themselves tech-savvy. They make quality drinks that are full of vitamins and minerals that are otherwise difficult to find in store-bought beverages. Make it a part your healthy lifestyle!


Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health


Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health


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Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health


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Kangen Water is delicious water that's created from Enagic's innovative water technology. It filters your tap water, then produces ionized alkaline..

Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health


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Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health


The biological effect of alkaline water consumption is object of controversy. The present paper presents a 3-year survival study on a population of 150 mice,

Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health


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Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health


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Hydration For Pregnancy - Supporting Maternal Health


Kangen Water machines take regular tap water and create ionized, alkaline water with a PH range of 2.7-11.5. It has endless perks, such as anti-aging,