Friday, Oct 18, 2024

Hydration Myths Debunked - Separating Fact From Fiction

Hydration Myths Debunked Separating Fact from Fiction

Hydration is critical to your health. It transports nutrients and waste between cells, lubricates joints and regulates body temperature. Yet, misinformation about hydration can lead to serious consequences, especially during exercise.

To separate fact from fiction, Life Kit talks to experts who share the truth about 5 common hydration myths.

Myth 1: You Need to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day

One of the most common pieces of hydration advice is that everyone should drink eight glasses (i.e. 8 oz cups) of water a day. The idea probably originated with the U.S Food and Nutrition Board in 1945.

This recommendation is based on the assumption that you need 2.5 litres of fluid daily to prevent dehydration and to support basic bodily functions like digestion, circulation, saliva production, the maintenance of body temperature and the transportation of nutrients. Most people, however, don’t need to rely solely on drinking water to meet their daily fluid needs; 20 percent of the body’s total fluid intake comes from a variety of beverages and foods like fruits and vegetables.

It’s important to listen to your body and follow thirst, especially when exercising or in a hot environment. But if you’re not experiencing signs of dehydration, there’s no need to force down extra water or feel pressured to participate in hyper-marketed hydration challenges.

Myth 2: Thirst is an Indicator of Hydration

Hydration is important to our body, from regulating internal body temperature to helping lubricate joints. It also helps transport nutrients to and remove waste from cells, making it essential to our body’s processes.

People often think that thirst is a great indicator of their hydration needs, but it’s not the only factor to consider. Our bodies lose water through sweat, urination, and breathing, and other things like diet, exercise, stress, and medications can all affect our thirst.

It’s important to drink when you are thirsty, but don’t force it if you’re not. If you force yourself to drink water when your body isn’t thirsty, it could lead to over-hydration, which can cause a dangerous shift in blood pH levels.

This is commonly seen in athletes who chug electrolyte beverages to hydrate during endurance events, but it can occur with any fluid. Over time, a long-term imbalance in the hydration status of tissues can result in damage to proteins and DNA.

Myth 3: Caffeine Makes You Pee

One of the most persistent hydration myths is that caffeine makes you pee. While it does cause diuresis, the process that leads to frequent urination, it’s not the dehydrating powerhouse many people make it out to be.

This is partly because our bodies digest liquids more quickly than solid food, which means coffee goes straight to the intestines once it hits your stomach. From there, it travels to the bladder through the ureters, and once it gets there, your brain sends signals to the "micturition center" that tell you it’s time to urinate.

The ants-in-the-pants feeling you get after a cup of coffee is due to the fact that your body is getting rid of the excess caffeine and other chemicals it absorbs along with that liquid. But your pee is also flushing out other important nutrients like sodium and potassium. This is why it’s important to hydrate after consuming caffeine, but you don’t need to drink more water than you already do.

Myth 4: Water is Your Only Source of Hydration

Hydration isn’t just about liquids — the foods you eat also contribute to your hydration. A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and low-sugar beverages can be a great source of fluids.

Water is the best choice for hydrating, but don’t neglect other beverages that can count, like milk and other low-sugar, calorie-free options, such as green tea or coffee. Some sports drinks are also a good option for replenishing fluid and electrolytes lost during intense exercise, but be careful of those with too much sugar.

Ideally, you should listen to your body’s signals and drink only when you are thirsty. But remember that thirst can be a false indicator of dehydration, particularly as we age and the body’s reaction to water may be reduced. It’s best to check your urine color — clear or pale yellow indicates you are adequately hydrated. In some cases, people can overhydrate, leading to a dangerous condition known as hyponatremia. This is most commonly seen in athletes, but it can affect anyone who drinks too much water and has certain medical conditions, including kidney failure, severe diarrhea and vomiting and Addison’s disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kangen water is good for the health of your heart

Kangen Water is an essential ingredient for a healthy and happy heart. Its qualities have been proven to be life-altering and beneficial for superior health. Rich in antioxidants and micro-clustered electrolytes, Kangen Water is tailored to help it easily attach to cells for total hydration.

It is absorbed into cells to provide oxygen and nutrients, which in turn contribute to cellular renewal and better circulation. This provides explosive benefits for a stress-free cardiovascular health system. Its superior antioxidant properties help to fight harmful free radicals, which can cause tissue damage.

Kangen Water balances body pH levels. Kangen Water reduces calcium deposits in the arteries. The combination of these powerful elements creates an unbeatable dynamic effect on the human heart.

Kangen Water's superior hydration properties have been proven by extensive research. They not only quench your thirst but can also lead to significant wellness improvements. Drinking ionized water can bring harmony to the body and lead to significant improvements in lifestyle and heart health.

What does Kangen Water taste like?

Pure hydration is more than a glass of water. It's the feeling of drinking pure water. That's Kangen Water.

Each refreshing taste will quench the thirst of your body with its balanced pH and supercharged molecules which stimulate natural energies in your body.

Kangen Water goes beyond being a pleasant drink. Kangen Water is a magical elixir that can help you restore your mind, body, spirit, regardless of where you live or with whom. The subtly sweet taste will make you crave more every time you get a sip.

From naturally occurring electrolytes that replenish hydration throughout every cell to antioxidants that protect against environmental factors which cause oxidation damage, Kangen Water has been hailed as a cutting-edge health breakthrough just waiting to be savoured by anyone looking for optimal wellness.

So we invite you to try something new and tantalizingly different - let your taste buds ignite with the full-flavoured palate reset filled with delicious possibilities only provided by Kangen Water.

Can you drink Kangen Water every day?

Kangen Water is easy to drink daily and has proven health benefits. Scientifically-backed research suggests that Kangen Water provides your body with essential minerals and electrolytes, improving hydration and helping you maintain a healthy balance. Kangen Water's special alkaline qualities have been shown to support healthy blood sugar levels, digestion, metabolism, and other important functions.

It has also been observed that Kangen Water has antioxidant power, flushing out toxins while contributing essential nutrients to your system. A high pH environment creates a strong alkaline environment which protects your cells against potentially harmful radicals.

Kangen Water is also known to reduce inflammation. This can promote overall health, well-being, and reduce inflammation in key areas like the joints.

For those reasons alone, drinking Kangen Water every day is a highly recommended step to improve health - even if for only short periods - for overall wellness support!

Kangen Water is safe for women who are pregnant?

Kangen Water is safe for pregnant mothers, so curious minds are looking to find out. It's worth investigating because of its unique ionization process.

Kangen Water has trace levels of magnesium sodium, chlorine and other chemicals that have been proven safe for pregnant mothers and babies. The difference is that Kangen Water contains trace amounts of magnesium, sodium and chlorine. Kangen water delivers them in an alkaline state.

This is what it means for pregnant women. It means that the body will be able better absorb these minerals as well as other important nutrients due to the alkalinity. There won't be any side effects from taking too much of any particular mineral or ingredient.

Kangen water's other components, such as calcium, have many benefits, especially for postpartum recovery and fatigue reduction. Studies have shown that expecting moms can reduce morning nausea by drinking Ph-balanced Hydration water before they start their day.

Kangen Water is safe to consume for pregnant women. We would say yes, provided that it is consumed in moderation as well as the recommended daily intake as determined by your healthcare professional. Our number one priority should be to maintain optimal health during special times.

Are there side effects to alkaline water?

Alkaline water may have a higher pH than regular water, and may offer more health benefits because of its high mineral content. These claims are not without risk, but there are questions about possible side effects.

High pH levels can cause your body to have problems with its natural chemistry. This could lead to stomach problems, nutrient imbalances, and calcium deficiency. It is important to consult with a medical professional before drinking excessive amounts of alkaline water, as too much consumption of minerals could interfere with prescription medications you may be taking.

The idea isn't necessarily to discourage people from drinking this H2O. It's to help them get the right guidance so they can enjoy it safely while still enjoying its benefits. It doesn't matter if you choose to buy bottled alkaline, or make your own alkaline solutions at home. But it is important to stay informed, especially if you are consuming larger amounts of the product daily.

Talk to healthcare professionals and do your research to learn about any possible risks to adding more alkalinity to you life. You can then decide what is right for you.


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  • Save 10% on 2 select item(s) Essentia Bottled Water, 1 Liter, 12-Pack, Ionized Alkaline Water:99.9% Pure, Infused With Electrolytes, 9.5 pH (
  • Dec 30 SimPure V7 Under Sink Water Filter, 5-Stage Stainless Steel Water Filtration System Direct Connect to Kitchen Faucet, Reduces 99% Lead, Chlorine, Bad Taste, 20K Gallons (

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How To

What are the advantages of Kangen Water drinking?

Water has many tangible, quantifiable and refreshing benefits. Kangen Water, a special type of water, has been electrolyzed and restructured in order to improve the way your body uses it. With the vast potential to satisfy not just your hydration cravings but also unlock the health benefits associated with proper hydration, Kangen Water is revolutionizing what we can expect from the most essential element in our diets: water.

Kangen Water contains electrolysed ions which are extremely hydrating. These ions affect the pH levels of cells, resulting in an increase in energy and metabolic function. This means you can keep your body running at its peak performance and feel more energized throughout the day.

Kangen Water can magically flush out toxins that build up due to poor eating habits and environmental pollutants. By keeping your body's beneficial enzymes healthy and active, regular intakes of Kangen Water can help to protect your entire system against diseases-causing microbes.

Kangen Water, which is extraordinary, helps to improve digestion by reducing food intake, increasing nutrient absorbtion, and fighting acid reflux. You won't experience any stress if you drink this unique water. It also has alkalinity, which protects cells from damage caused by inflammation.

It promotes healthy skin due to its ability to regulate pH levels and reduce oil production caused by improper hydration. Kangen Water is known to aid in sleep quality, as it has been shown to have restorative properties that can help the mind and body recover from long periods of activity.

Kangen Water can be described as a revolutionary and innovative way to stay hydrated. It aids in the body's natural electrolyzed ions. It makes water more efficient and provides many health benefits such as better energy, detoxification, digestion skin health, and better sleeping. It's easy to make it a daily part of your routine.


Hydration Myths Debunked - Separating Fact From Fiction


Hydration Myths Debunked - Separating Fact From Fiction


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Kangen Water is delicious water that's created from Enagic's innovative water technology. It filters your tap water, then produces ionized alkaline..

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